What are we working towards?

Jennie Kay
2 min readSep 2, 2021



That’s what we are all working towards, right? We can scrap all day long about what should and could and might, but ultimately, we are all working towards outcomes.

In my way of working, it is imperative we clearly define those outcomes (and all assumptions surrounding them) before ever moving forward with action, much less law.

When I hear people say, “but I’m against abortion” as though that divining rod is the only guide for decision-making, it shocks and sickens me. It sickens me, because this is ultimate Trojan Horse of ad passiones, the fallacy of passion, characterized by the manipulation of the recipient’s emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence.

The factual evidence shows greater access to health care, sexual education, and yes, abortions, actually LOWERS abortion rates and INCREASES the safety and health of women and children.

So, in the wake of factual evidence which has been empirically validated over the course of near fifty years, I have no ability to believe this is genuinely about abortion, or even a net-positive outcome.

My guess, this is about power.

Power over what? I have no idea.

Power to achieve what outcome? Someone tell me.

If not power, then why be so attached to an outcome so blatantly determined to create more harm, bring more children into poverty, and not actually lower the abortion rate?

If not dominance, then why be so passionate about this one issue and not the other myriad of issues that are breeding harm, violence, and illness to our greater communities?

If not subjugation, they why be so focused on the hammer of the law vs the elevation of need?

Outcomes. What are you working towards?



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